Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Entitled with: no title

I find consolation in coffee’s bitterness, and the bitterer it is, the more it heals.
Because no chocolate is sweet enough to heal, and pain to be healed requires more pain
And who said pain is painful? Pain is a relief of the soul if our bodies have any.
I find gratitude in struggles; they assure you’re still alive and human.
Because I doubted my existence in a world that rebutted my being
A world of materials that despised my humanity
I find the utmost use of spoken words in silence
but darkness has the loudest silence
And the world was meant to be dark and silent toward injustice
I find solace in unconsciousness
Because it’s the sole brain drug
And you’re not supposed to be aware of your surroundings
I find utter pointlessness the purpose of life,
because I kept trying to figure out the reason of my existence
And I came up with nothing
I find solitude each time a new baby is born
Though they make the world more crowded
crowded with immorality and bias
I find the core of everything in nothingness,
because the absolute is relative
And truth is not defined

And all what we are capable of is… whining
Or write words of sorrow
Or turn our profile pictures into black
though neither colors nor words can express sorrow.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dear visitor, you won't pass until we see u naked. Sincerely, the US airport security.

Just few days ago I discovered that I went through a full body scanner in the airports about 4 times. When I was told about these new x-ray scanners in the US airports i stupidly thought they were going to show nothing but bones, but when I came back home I found out that they create a full-body image showing the natural curves and hiding the person’s face. They told us if you don’t like it you can opt for a pat-down, and deal with a woman who’s going to touch every single part in your body in a very personally humiliating way. I know the fact that they deal with millions daily and all of them are expected to be terrorists of course and that I should be more open minded and accept the fact that my body is humiliated for my own security, you know what? Fuck security; fuck whoever thinks that we should be ready to give up anything for our own security. And why weren’t we told about the matter in the airport? Why didn’t they ask for our permission and whether we want our privacy violated in that way or not?
Beside all of that you have to deal with their stupid questions like who packed your luggage, Where? And do you have any weapons of mass destruction or liquids? What am I expected to say? That yes Bin laden packed my luggage and I do have a nuclear bomb in my pocket? See how honest am i? Arrest me now smartass.
And whether you’ll pick the scanner or the pat down, you have to take off your shoes, jackets, belts, accessories in order to pass, I saw a man getting all of his clothes off just to pass safely, It’s damn funny isn’t it? 
I wonder why a nation that keeps calling for freedom and respect of privacy is very good at doing nth of that when it comes to foreigners? if only US citizens are allowed to travel, will they go through full security check and be humiliated that way?

Monday, September 19, 2011

There’s definitely sth wrong with my society

How does it feel like to be living in a napping society that sleep-walks? Or to be living with drunk people 24/7?  
I’m certainly drunk as well to think of writing such a piece of shit, however I couldn’t resist myself from pissing up whoever is going to read this and waste his/her time by talking about my society.

I) A typical Egyptian family: usually There's a father and a mother bringing their children up on blind rules and orders, don't you dare even thinking to question about the origins of the rule or the habit or the tradition or the shit. Eventually and most importantly u'll turn out to be a copy of them, and undoubtedly you'll symbolize goodness on earth as you are doing what your parents ask you to do. And the victimized kids will become pitiful damn cowards following one life pattern which is the same like their parents or slightly different, not able to make their own stupid decisions till their 40s, awfully thinking the same and transferring these to their own kids.
Observe any Egyptian family during a family gathering or in clubs, restaurants or wherever I bet you will hear them talking about the same things using the same vocabularies. it's incredibly scary!
Just why can't you let us follow our own God-created nature?

II) religion, religion, religion!
Everyone here is appointed to determine who’s going to hell and who’s going to heaven, they are creative to the extent that they make up new hadiths, researches, and create new branches for religion. Their talks go around one thing: putting a piece of cloth on women’s heads so as not to corrupt society and turn the guys on. Just a piece of cloth will solve the problems of the entire world and will get you to heaven no matter what, so you can kill. Lie, cheat and do whatever you want but please don’t forget the piece of cloth. And please keep spreading the word, let them all speak about how women are the cause of problems because they go in streets uncovering their hair and let the idiots who are planning to run for presidency mention the piece of cloth in their plans. And creatively make advertisements to support your cause, let women be lollipops and men be flies, and who wants to be approached by a stupid fly?
We are asked to do religious rituals without knowing why, and some work on raising awareness about how other religions are worse than ours, just like a soccer match. And there is an argument that says once you’re out your country you’ll become more irreligious, as if I pray and fast for society, family and stupid people. 

III) Sickening hypocrisy all around, you’ll find politicians speaking of change and working on ruining your life at the same time. people gossiping about how others dress, talk, walk n fuck. Boys acting like angels on earth and behind girls’ backs they call them sluts. Professors and teachers trying to tell us that their job is teaching us. Bosses at work pretending to work for the general benefit and relatives faking your stupidity.

IV) awful taste of music and yea its vital. When 1000 cars and motorbikes pass beside you daily turning on some shit for tamer hosny or whoever, and the lyrics go around either how seductive his girl is or how slut she is, this is probably going to ruin your whole month! and movies tackling the same critical social issue which is the life of a belly-dancer and producers  making hell of money out of that.

V) a stupid SCAF is running the country after being ruled by a stupid ass. How does it feel like when you don’t have one single representative in the parliament for your own needs, yea we used to have some asses in the parliament and their main job was screwing us daily but we no longer have any asses. what does it feel like when voting in your country works against you and it's better to stay at home and not to vote? what does it feel like when you find that there are hundreds of political parties and no sole party has a clear agenda for a layman to understand? and what does it feel like to see that the only attractive tool to be used when it comes to elections is a beard? you can gain millions of votes by growing a beard and having some chickens. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rise above

When the ones who run the fire house
Are the ones who start the fire
When the lawless make the laws
And every preacher is a liar
When the ones that damn the innocent
Well they own the nightly news
And front page
Old man said to me
It’s not who but what you know
And knowledge isn’t wisdom
Without control
Better still to be the changes
That you want to see
But they come slow
I know
And you said rise above
Open your eyes up
And you said rise above
I can’t
I can’t
And every heart that bleeds
Will colour your world red
And the sorrow in the night
Will be the gloom you cannot shed
But your strength will be your vision
Be your visibility
And the gift you have before you
Will give you new eyes to see
That you can rise above
Swing through the skies above
And you shall rise above
Know that I’ll be watching
Know that I’ll be waiting
You stand here on the precipice
I can’t soar away from you
And you can rise above
Feel your soul
Open your eyes up
Rise above yourself and take control
And you can rise above
Feel the love
Release yourself and rise above it all
And you can rise above
I have been
Open your eyes up
And you are never alone
And you can rise above
Outside your dreams
I’ll be watching and waiting for you
And every heart that bleeds
Will colour your world red
And the sorrow in the night
Will be the blue you cannot shed
And your strength will be a vision
Be your visibility
And the gift you have before you
Will give you new eyes to see

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Riots in the city of dreadful nights

Violence and looting actions have swept across London for eight consecutive days after the shot of Mark Duggan “a black young man” by the police. It all started by peaceful marches in Tottenham by his relatives and neighbors to the police office. Some say that the death of Duggan was a triggering factor; others see that the riots have nothing to do with his death and it all goes around the poor suffering black people who are taking advantage of the situation. So they are black people now causing riots and troubles, because they are always blamed for everything wrong in the country and they are discriminated out of no reason so they decided to have vengeance now. That’s typical racist thinking! What is happening in London is not caused by black or Asian people, there are blacks and whites out in the streets protesting in a violent way against the police humiliation and Cameron’s stupidity, but this is what the media doesn’t want to show. They are focusing on the criminals or thugs (like they were being called in Egypt) who are burning their country and no blame for the angelic government! What’s happening now is out of not being listened, is out of the deep-rooted racism and discrimination against blacks who are not receiving good education or jobs and get stopped and searched in the streets for no reason, and is out of not admitting that there is even a problem. I’m indeed against these looting actions, but the protests started peacefully and then turned out that way. What I’m sure of is that, it’s not the first time for a black to be shot by a policeman, but it’s the first time to see marches protesting against the action. Yea, revolution is in the air!

the photo is uploaded from

Friday, July 29, 2011

Moments of cloudiness

I don’t know why I am writing this; actually I’m ultimately pissed off right now and feel like in deep need of expressing the shit out of me.
I can proudly n happily say that on a day to day basis i get pissed off, because this is what life brings on, however i get used to it n enjoy now being pissed off.

Let me tell you about some of the everyday-situations that turn me off,
for instance one of them is meeting some professional psychic judges who are experts at judging people from the very first sight. Just from the moment you say hello, they'll immediately know about your complete curriculum vitae, make a multidimensional analysis of your personality, your IQ, and even read your stupid mind. And afterwards, expect a treatment based on that precious analysis which I don’t know from where they actually got it. And of course you have to accept that, because no matter how many ages you spend trying to change that impression, you will not. So yea deal with it, accept the totally different person they assumed you are and accept the way they treat you. Ah I forgot and you must change the way you perceive yourself because duh, they know you better of course.
These super abnormal genius people come from different backgrounds. You may meet a religious one, a paranoid one, a psychiatrist, a freak etc.
A psychiatrist will create a psychological profile for you, they know your weaknesses, your strengths, what you like what you don’t and don't ask me how. but hell if they believe in mind control, they will try to change your mind using very wicked methods (sarcasm). Regardless of how funny they are, still it pisses me off because they insult my intelligence indirectly while I actually prefer being insulted directly, add to this that they can make you shoot yourself.

The paranoid considers you too suspicious, or trying to hide sth, the freak assumes you are a freak as well. so yea live with that.
The religious assumes you are going to hell no matter what. i'm unveiled living in a hypocrite society, and people judge you according to your appearance. however, i very respect those who wear the veil and those who don't, so is it that hard for others to do the same? and why should i be stereotyped as irreligious and wrong? and why should a veiled girl wearing simple loose clothes be stereotyped as extremist? why can't we accept the "being different" notion and live with it instead of accepting to live with shit?
And yea i can't do anything about it, i never confront whoever judges me,
but instead i draw this smile and stay away from them as much as possible. you know why I do that? because their unconscious minds and emotions judged me first, so i may find it very hard to use the so called logic to convince them. Yet, i don't know.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Feminism or Femininity?

If you believe that both can’t survive on the same planet, then do me a favor and go kill yourself :) 

How scary does “feminism” sound to you?  For me, whenever I hear “Are u a fe..minist?” it sounds exactly the same like Are u a dinosaur? A serial killer? A leader of the Illuminati? 
Feminism is not a new ideology, while the stereotypes about feminism in the Middle beautiful East are new but not very.

mmm what do feminists want? nothing, just equality!
This means that you want to be a whore n hang out at nights, smoke pot n do whatever you want!
Seriously? that what men do? ok, i want superiority then.
It’s whenever people talk about women and men equality, we hear the same nonsense. Especially when you mention the so called "freedom", you're dead! As it's the source of thrill for all men (stupid ones, as i love not to generalize).

Ok, how to get rid of the devilish effects of feminism?

1. Media: the majority of your population are slaves to the TVs, spread your anti-women anti-equality ideas through shows, plays, movies, songs...etc using some puppets.
(with all respect to the play)

2. Religion: Some people decided to call themselves religious, and out of their generosity, they decided to enlighten us with some new invented religious rules. But bear in mind that if we don’t obey them we are cut into pieces, burnt in "earth hell" and turned into ashes.

3. Family and Culture: The most effective of all. Some environments are actually designed to oppress women, n this will make you hate yourself and despise women. Such environments were not to oppress women only; but they oppress men too and create intertwined barriers in their minds with some planted stupid ideas.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Music and Politics

They say driving reflects a person’s personality, while movies & music reflect a country’s culture. If you want to understand a country’s political culture, you may need to know something about their media, press, political parties or political organizations, and so many other things including watching their movies and listening to their political bands. Political bands? Yes, a kind of bands that never existed in Egypt or let me say not welcomed.
Let us go back to the 50s and beginning of the 60s, remember Abd el-Helim’s nationalistic songs that commended the revolution and praised Egypt? The songs that celebrated nationalizing the Suez Canal, praised the soldiers, the farmers, the labor? This era was full of songs that told us a lot; they were stronghold to the political regime and reflected the Nassirist thoughts that were prevailing at that time. But did they reflect any opposition to the regime? Any objection? Any criticism? Of course no! They were just the regime’s tool of propaganda. And who denies the role of propaganda when it comes to brain wash? And who forgets Goebbels cynical techniques to influence the Germans? Yea they have their own ways.

In Mubarak’s era, Has anyone heard a band or a singer singing against the government policies? Against the police humiliation? Against taxes? For revolting? For a certain group or ideology? Against nothing?  Yea there were people singing against nothing. there were just these crappy nationalistic songs that expressed how lovely Egypt is.
This doesn’t mean that I blame and piss whoever sang nationalistic songs, of course no, on the contrary I see them vital. But I blame those who decided to build up a wall and accepted the limits that the regime and the culture created, A basic feature of democracy is to be able to express whatever radical opinions you have, And the society & the regime must accept their existence. Let the beginning be by hearing radical lyrics.

In the U.S & the U.K, the idea of political bands dates back to the late 70s. A lot of bands were formed such as the American band Dead Kennedys in 1978, they brought politically charged lyrics that were full of sarcasm and irony of social and political issues. In the U.K, the clash band was formed in 1976, was much known for the politicized lyrics and rebellious attitude. Their album “London calling” remains one of the most influential rock albums.

There are hundreds of punk political bands, here are some of them:
Anti-flag: formed in 1988 much of the band's lyrics have focused on anti-war activism, criticism of United States foreign policy, corporatism, U.S. wealth distribution, and various sociopolitical sentiments.

Rise Against: formed in 1999 and are known for their activism. They appeared on the “Rock against Bush, Vol. 1” an album released in 2004 that contains a collection of songs by other punk rock band.

System of a down: an Armenian-American rock band, their songs reflect their views of the Armenian genocide 1915 and the ongoing war on terrorism.
Rage against the machine: American band, formed in 1991. Critics have noted Rage Against the Machine for its "fiercely polemical music, which brewed sloganeering leftist rants against corporate America, cultural imperialism, social inequality, and government oppression into a Molotov cocktail of punk, hip-hop, and thrash"

Napalm death: English band formed in 1988. Their songs address racism, feminism, militarism, and capitalism.

Immortal technique: He is an American rapper and not a band. His name is Felipe Andres Coronel. His lyrics address issues like class struggle, poverty, religion, government and institutional racism.

The Coup: American hip hop band formed in 1992, their lyrics criticize capitalism, American politics, patriarchal exploitation, and police brutality, among other things.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Things i've learnt in life

  1. Humans are miraculously powerful in a way beyond imagination, never underestimate anyone’s capabilities. 
  2. Live your dream and never give up on it, one day it will come true no matter how long it takes. 
  3. Forgiveness is conditional. Only forgive those who unintentionally meant to hurt you.
  4.  Nothing stays forever, just learn to adjust yourself. 
  5. Stupidity doesn’t exist, everyone has a gift, we are all good at sth.
  6. Never seek power or superiority, seek equality instead.
  7.  You were created for a purpose.
  8. Love rules all.
  9. There is nothing called absolute or ultimate truth in life. The only thing I’m sure about is God.
  10. Don’t make fun of others, so as others won’t make fun of you.
  11. Don’t listen to those who try to discourage you, believe in yourself.
  12. Have a cause in life, defend it and die for it.
  13. No matter how much you lose, remember it’s not the end of the world.
  14. God only is in control of everything, not you not me and not anyone else.
  15. Always smile to people; you don’t know how much it can brighten someone’s day.
  16. Be friendly to all, but close to very few.
  17. Don’t stay with people who get you down.
  18. Pursue peace and ask for it.
  19. Never quit sth because you think it’s hard. difficulty is relative, fight instead.
  20. Be brave and never fear, cause you have nothing to lose.
  21. Never betray or fool someone, not only because you will lose him/her but also because what goes around comes around. 
  22. Don’t talk behind people’s back, they will know it. 
  23. God always talks to us, but sometimes we block listening. 
  24. Live for others and not for yourself.
  25. Use logic instead of emotional bias.
  26. A lie always dies. 
  27. 3 things have no limitations: imagination, learning and your will. 
  28. We are different, and that's what i find interesting about life.
  29. Don't hide your emotions, show love.
  30. Our humane side rules eventually, no matter how people try to be materialistic.

          Monday, June 20, 2011


          My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going,
          I do not see the road ahead of me.
          I cannot know for certain where it will end.

          Nor do I really know myself,
          and the fact that I think I am following your will
          does not mean that I am actually doing so.

          But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
          And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.

          I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
          And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road,
          though I may know nothing about it.

          I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
          and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

          -Thomas Merton-

          Saturday, May 28, 2011


          When i say “vampire”, you may immediately think of Edward Cullen, or if you’re not a fan of the twilight saga, you’ll think of Dracula.
          Whatever! In all ways, you’ll think of a fictional/movie character that doesn’t exist. And you know that they don’t exist, right?
          I thought just the same way, but guess what! Some people believe that they are real. How did i know? That’s when i typed “vampires” and then Google automatically typed “real?” i thought i was going to read some stupidly funny things in some forums or blogs. But that’s not what i found.
          i found books about a new branch of science (sarcasm font) that’s called Vampirism. And found many websites that are for real vampires only. At that moment i thanked God for not being a screwy or a mentally deranged person who believes in vampires.
          However, i decided to share with you some of the (insert a bad word here) stupid things i read.
          How to know you’re a real vampire?
          1- A pale skin, you don’t have to be white to be pale.
          2- You luckily survived an accident with only a few scratches or cuts
          3- you were the smartest, strongest, quickest kid in the class.
          4- You look very young for your age.
          5- A quicker healer than most
          6- extremely energetic at night
          7- you rarely get sick
          8- you have extremely good vision in the dark
          9- sensitive to light or heat from it
          10- a colored ring around the iris of your eyes
          Conclusion: we are blood drinking, human flesh feeding vampires and are not aware of this.

          For God’s sake, what is so vampiritic (yea i invented the word) in the previous shit?
          i mean, who doesn’t have any of the previous 10 symptoms? The fact is, they are some psychopathic creatures that are in need of a psychiatrist.
          Not only this... the real vampires also have many types:
          psi vampires, blood vampires, hybrid vampires, elemental vampires, Emotional vampires, Genetic vampires and many many types and sub types.
          So there’s no way of thinking that u’re not a vampire, just pick your favorite type.
          However, this is not what i care about, the ugly side of the story is that these freaks, out of acting like vampires, sometimes kidnap people or commit violent acts. And as they feed on blood, they buy it from hospitals or get it from donors.
          Many people all over the world die waiting for blood transfusion, and are in need of this blood. I have nothing to say but pity for the world.

          Wednesday, May 18, 2011

          What it means to be a female...

          I know it’s hard for many unconscious minds to accept the fact that women are discriminated. I here reveal the thoughts of someone who believes women worldwide are ignorant of their rights...

          Being a female means  you’re stupid by nature
          Being a female means you are not a good driver
          Being a female means that whatever you wear, you are a sinner
          Being a female means obeying is your only virtue
          Being a female means you are not designed to innovate or do the hard jobs
          Being a female who believes in feminism means you’re a lesbian
          Being a female means you are too emotional
          Being a female means if you laughed out loud, you are a prostitute
          Being a female means smoking is wrong and immoral, while for boys it's not
          being a female means your efforts to succeed should be triple that of a man
          Being a female means the only weapon you have is seduction
          Being a female means if you’re divorced or single it’s because you’re not good enough
          Being a female means that when in a relationship, he can cheat on you while you can’t
          Being a female means that the kitchen should be on the top of your priority list
          Being a female means you can’t stay till midnight out of home even if you are in a safe place doing nth wrong.
          Being a female means that you care about money more than a good guy, you care about looks more than intelligence
          Being a female means that you are the first one to blame of sexual harassment
          Being a female means you shouldn’t talk a lot
          Being a female means you shouldn’t be ambitious or you’re going to ruin your personal life

          Friday, May 6, 2011

          How to know he is a retard?

          I will try not to be much of a sarcastic while bringing this up, but let us be honest, pissing girls off is some boys' "call of duty" so why not punching them in the head with these few lines?

          Let me introduce to you Mr. Retard, the one I’m going to waste my time writing about in the next coming lines. He’s someone who walks on earth, breaths, and pees like any normal human being but he has some distinguishing features that any smartass can recognize from the very first beginning of meeting him.
          He is someone who believes in the superiority of men over women, so he can drive better, work better, think better, eat better, and all of the “better things”.

          He is a conservative. Till now i don’t understand the link between manhood and conservatism. Males who act too masculine or in other words, believe they have excess male hormones than normal human beings, say that they are conservatives. I’m not against conservatism, but why specifically this ideology?  I mean why not being a moderate, a communist, a stupidist, a donkiest…etc. There are lots and lots of other ideologies that could fit Mr. Retard actually. But here’s their theory, saying that you are a conservative means that you are old fashioned in almost everything, so by this way, your puppet, I mean girl, shall understand immediately when you say i'm conservative that she shall follow your 15th century dull rules.

          He may try to be a smartass and tell you that he’ll support u in every possible way in your life, (Actually the vision in his head is seeing u making sandwiches in the kitchen) or he may be a dumbass and will say it explicitly that he will not accept to have a puppet, I mean a wife, that works and has a life.

          He is a big loudmouth that is too opinionated. He wants to educate you with his too much information about everything, call him a cyclopedia, a Wikipedia, a shitpedia whatever… What does matter is that you’re dealing with a genius alien on earth so you’ve got to hold back your horses.  Mr Retard loves to express his opinion, so whenever you decide unintentionally and of course mistakenly to open your mouth and talk about anything, he will immediately tell you his precious valuable advice and opinion about the thing, as he believes he is dealing with a no brainy creature that is ineligible to solve her own problems.

          He may or may not be a “women hater” and frequently uses the sentence “girls are”. This is because all the girls he met in his life were either jerks or dumpers, Lucky him!

          Now, I have a very important question for Mr. Retard…Why not taking the gay path and relieve the whole world?