Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dear visitor, you won't pass until we see u naked. Sincerely, the US airport security.

Just few days ago I discovered that I went through a full body scanner in the airports about 4 times. When I was told about these new x-ray scanners in the US airports i stupidly thought they were going to show nothing but bones, but when I came back home I found out that they create a full-body image showing the natural curves and hiding the person’s face. They told us if you don’t like it you can opt for a pat-down, and deal with a woman who’s going to touch every single part in your body in a very personally humiliating way. I know the fact that they deal with millions daily and all of them are expected to be terrorists of course and that I should be more open minded and accept the fact that my body is humiliated for my own security, you know what? Fuck security; fuck whoever thinks that we should be ready to give up anything for our own security. And why weren’t we told about the matter in the airport? Why didn’t they ask for our permission and whether we want our privacy violated in that way or not?
Beside all of that you have to deal with their stupid questions like who packed your luggage, Where? And do you have any weapons of mass destruction or liquids? What am I expected to say? That yes Bin laden packed my luggage and I do have a nuclear bomb in my pocket? See how honest am i? Arrest me now smartass.
And whether you’ll pick the scanner or the pat down, you have to take off your shoes, jackets, belts, accessories in order to pass, I saw a man getting all of his clothes off just to pass safely, It’s damn funny isn’t it? 
I wonder why a nation that keeps calling for freedom and respect of privacy is very good at doing nth of that when it comes to foreigners? if only US citizens are allowed to travel, will they go through full security check and be humiliated that way?

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