Monday, September 19, 2011

There’s definitely sth wrong with my society

How does it feel like to be living in a napping society that sleep-walks? Or to be living with drunk people 24/7?  
I’m certainly drunk as well to think of writing such a piece of shit, however I couldn’t resist myself from pissing up whoever is going to read this and waste his/her time by talking about my society.

I) A typical Egyptian family: usually There's a father and a mother bringing their children up on blind rules and orders, don't you dare even thinking to question about the origins of the rule or the habit or the tradition or the shit. Eventually and most importantly u'll turn out to be a copy of them, and undoubtedly you'll symbolize goodness on earth as you are doing what your parents ask you to do. And the victimized kids will become pitiful damn cowards following one life pattern which is the same like their parents or slightly different, not able to make their own stupid decisions till their 40s, awfully thinking the same and transferring these to their own kids.
Observe any Egyptian family during a family gathering or in clubs, restaurants or wherever I bet you will hear them talking about the same things using the same vocabularies. it's incredibly scary!
Just why can't you let us follow our own God-created nature?

II) religion, religion, religion!
Everyone here is appointed to determine who’s going to hell and who’s going to heaven, they are creative to the extent that they make up new hadiths, researches, and create new branches for religion. Their talks go around one thing: putting a piece of cloth on women’s heads so as not to corrupt society and turn the guys on. Just a piece of cloth will solve the problems of the entire world and will get you to heaven no matter what, so you can kill. Lie, cheat and do whatever you want but please don’t forget the piece of cloth. And please keep spreading the word, let them all speak about how women are the cause of problems because they go in streets uncovering their hair and let the idiots who are planning to run for presidency mention the piece of cloth in their plans. And creatively make advertisements to support your cause, let women be lollipops and men be flies, and who wants to be approached by a stupid fly?
We are asked to do religious rituals without knowing why, and some work on raising awareness about how other religions are worse than ours, just like a soccer match. And there is an argument that says once you’re out your country you’ll become more irreligious, as if I pray and fast for society, family and stupid people. 

III) Sickening hypocrisy all around, you’ll find politicians speaking of change and working on ruining your life at the same time. people gossiping about how others dress, talk, walk n fuck. Boys acting like angels on earth and behind girls’ backs they call them sluts. Professors and teachers trying to tell us that their job is teaching us. Bosses at work pretending to work for the general benefit and relatives faking your stupidity.

IV) awful taste of music and yea its vital. When 1000 cars and motorbikes pass beside you daily turning on some shit for tamer hosny or whoever, and the lyrics go around either how seductive his girl is or how slut she is, this is probably going to ruin your whole month! and movies tackling the same critical social issue which is the life of a belly-dancer and producers  making hell of money out of that.

V) a stupid SCAF is running the country after being ruled by a stupid ass. How does it feel like when you don’t have one single representative in the parliament for your own needs, yea we used to have some asses in the parliament and their main job was screwing us daily but we no longer have any asses. what does it feel like when voting in your country works against you and it's better to stay at home and not to vote? what does it feel like when you find that there are hundreds of political parties and no sole party has a clear agenda for a layman to understand? and what does it feel like to see that the only attractive tool to be used when it comes to elections is a beard? you can gain millions of votes by growing a beard and having some chickens. 

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